About Me / Contact

Madison Lai is 17 years old. She currently attends Sacred Heart Catholic High School as a grade 11 student.

Madison was born in Jamaica on January 16, 2006. She lived there for 9 years of her life before moving to Canada to grow up in a safer environment. From the age of 4 – 6, she part took in gymnastics earning first place in many of her competitions. From the age of 6 – 9, She joined both competitive and synchronized swimming and attended many swims meets. Growing up in Canada from the age of 9 Madison had found a love for the arts. Particularly visual arts, it’s still one of her favorite hobbies to date. At the age of 15, she was accepted into the Integrated Regional Arts Program and Advance Placement Program. She’s a punctual and detail-oriented person who has an eye for creative design. Her passion currently leans more toward digital arts than fine arts. Mainly character design – creating the different aspects of a person’s personality accompanied by a unique sense of style is how she expresses all sorts of ideas.

If you want to connect with me or discuss a potential project commission, please contact me at Madison.lai24@ycdsbk12.ca